Monday, October 18, 2010

BI not fight either change or be abandoned Summary

Hold a mass of data, also has a variety of tools to move, analyze and send the data, but not at the right time to the right information to the people who need the information, which makes a lot of CIO headache. How to be responsible for the BI technology easy to use?

In the browser for people to provide a key Internet access before the Internet has existed for 20 years unknown. Recently, Apple introduced the ultra-simple iPod digital media player opened a new era. In addition, Google launched a simple interface that allows search operations have been redefined. Unfortunately, in many other areas including the BI field, we are also difficult to obtain the simplicity of the product has a strong program.

BI user interface development constraints

Many valuable IT technology, but in the end can not be too complex for application of large-scale promotion. According to Standish Group's findings, in all IT projects, about 66% failed or far exceeded the time limit to implement the original plan. According to Gartner's survey shows the average annual per employee to waste about a week to deal with a variety of computer and application faults trouble. IDC predicts: IT complexity created in 2003, U.S. companies nearly 750 billion U.S. dollars in losses. In the business intelligence (BI) field in 2005, "Information Week" survey: non-technical staff for ease of use issue is impeding the deployment of the primary barriers to BI programs.

Simplicity There are three basic principles, namely: easy-to-use user interface, the applicability of a good product features and ease of implementation and management. All three elements must exist in a true sense of the summary of product can be called real simple.

In the BI area, the user interface is still the universal constraints prevent product. Only 15% of corporate officers in the practical work with a business intelligence tool, but unless the simplified user interface has made outstanding progress, otherwise difficult to change this situation. BI vendors who always believed that users have time to learn the knowledge and how to carry out complex analysis, but is not the case. In 1959, Calvin N. Mooers invented the famous Moore's Law: "When the user feel have information than not have the information to be more painful and cumbersome, he would rather not use the information retrieval system." When people pay more attention ability to obtain information on access to information rather than solving efforts, the Moore's Law will soon be confirmed to the latter body.

For BI to more users on a big attraction of the firms have to start the user interface innovation. The BI vendors have made progress mainly through a friendly interface to easily drag and drop a database or spreadsheet data region row and in the end allows users to quickly create their own interactive analysis. Thus, the need for complex training conditions, the user can drag and drop 澶氫釜 area to create complex reports, charts and visual analysis. These tools have access to a variety of SQL databases and OLAP-based Excel table.

Recently, some manufacturers also began to drag and drop query mode has been expanded beyond the introduction of a question-based user interface to allow users to everyday business terminology to make some fundamental or even random complex issues, such as: "Who is my last one quarter of the prior five largest customers?" or "in the past 12 months among the districts I am responsible, who is the sales aspects of the former five customers?".

Another user interface to simplify the way BI is the total elimination of another separate interface that will seamlessly integrate BI to a specific person's daily business workflow. Usually it is called "carrier-class BI", the data, reports, and analysis of information directly in the customer's various applications and process environments presented to the user. Here, we will see BI is no longer just about the tools of historical data and trends, but to become real-time to process as the core means of information delivery and analysis. Use of carrier-class BI, information is available to people who need anytime, anywhere and in most cases, the information consumers are not as in the usual sense BI "user." Both are concerned with the process of risk management, pricing and return models, services Genzong, Cai Gou, the policy line or Kehuzhichi, BI all OK Zailiuchengzhong or the work of Liu Cheng play its due role or process itself Ye can based decision-making as the core.

Ease of implementation and management

As a summary of the third pillar, ease of implementation and management of vendors and IT departments are required to change. Today's products have become too complex for a long time to install, maintenance costs are very high. To this end, corporate IT department began to require companies reduce complexity, "Please tell me how to quickly install equipment, and began to run." "You reduce maintenance needs done, what work?"

IT departments should also be changes, IT system, mainly from the excessive complexity of system platforms, systems and applications.鐒惰?锛岄儴缃茬殑绠?究鎬т笌鏁翠綋鏋舵瀯鐨勭畝鏄撴?鏄悓姝ョ殑锛孖T閮ㄩ棬蹇呴』姣笉鍚濆暚鍦版暣鍚堝苟绮剧畝鐜版湁鐨凚I鍜屾姤琛ㄧ幆澧冦?鏈?粓鐨勭洰鏍囧簲璇ユ槸鍦ㄥ崟涓?殑骞冲彴涔嬩笂寮?睍鏍囧噯鍖栧伐浣滐紝浠庤?杩涜浼佷笟缁╂晥绠$悊銆佽鍒掋?鎶ヨ〃鍒朵綔銆佹煡璇㈠拰鍒嗘瀽浠ュ強浼佷笟鐨勪俊鎭鐞嗐?

銆??鍚屾椂锛屼紒涓氳繕搴旇瀵瑰鍔犵畝鏄撴?鐨勪袱绉嶈秼鍔胯繘琛岃皟鏌ャ?棣栧厛锛岀綉缁滄湇鍔′娇浼佷笟鑳藉灏嗘渶濂界殑閮ㄤ欢搴旂敤杩炴帴鍒板崟涓?湇鍔′箣涓紝闈炲父瀹规槗鍦板紑鍙戝苟缁存姢鍔熻兘鏇村姞寮哄ぇ鐨勫簲鐢ㄣ?渚嬪锛氬紑鍙戜汉鍛樺彲浠ラ摼鎺ュ埌涓?釜缃戠粶鏈嶅姟涓婏紝鎸夌収鏃ユ湡鍜屽湴鐐瑰悜閿?敭鏁版嵁搴撴彁渚涘ぉ姘旈鎶ワ紝浠庤?鏈夊姪浜庡啺娣囨穻鎴栭洦浼炵殑閿?敭鍟嗕滑閬垮紑鎭跺姡鐨勫ぉ姘斿彲鑳介?鎴愮殑閿?敭涓嬫粦銆係AAS(杞欢鍗虫湇鍔?杩欎竴瓒嬪娍鐨勭户缁彂灞曚篃灏嗘帹鍔ㄧ畝鏄撳寲鐨勮繘绋嬶紝浣夸汉浠笉蹇呬负浜嗘煇涓壒瀹氱殑搴旂敤鐩殑鑰屾瀯寤哄拰缁存姢鏌愮鍩虹鏋舵瀯銆?br />
銆??璁╃畝鏄撴垚涓虹幇瀹?br />
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銆??鈶㈢潃鐪奸暱鏈熷晢涓氫环鍊硷紝鑰屼笉鏄畝鍗曠殑鎴愭湰銆傛牴鎹瓽artner鍏徃鐨勮皟鏌ョ粨鏋滐紝涓?」澶辫触鐨処T鎶曡祫鐨勪富瑕佸師鍥犲湪浜庝紒涓氱殑楂樺眰绠$悊鑰呭線寰?拷姹傚揩閫熷拰绠?崟鐨勫洖鎶ワ紝鎵?噰鍙栫殑鎺柦鏇撮?鍚堜簬瀵笲I宸ュ叿鐨勮瘎浼帮紝鑰屼笉鏄BI浠峰?鐨勮 閲忋?瀹為檯涓婏紝IT鐨勪环鍊兼槸鏅亶瀛樺湪鑰屽張鏋佷负澶嶆潅鐨勩?鏍规嵁IDC鍏徃鐨勮皟鐮旓紝96%鐨処T 鎶曡祫鍥炴姤鐨嗕互涓氬姟娴佺▼鐨勬敼杩涘拰鐢熶骇鏁堢巼鐨勬彁楂樿?鏄剧幇鍑烘潵鐨勶紝鎴愬姛椤圭洰鐨勫钩鍧囧洖鎶ュ懆鏈熶负涓?勾锛屾?鐨勫洖鎶ョ巼涓?30%銆?br />
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tencent intensified defendant who copied the crime portal

Portal plagiarism, in the summer heat under the Sogou sued qq, more and more serious complaint of a paper that broke the qq can only all the fat penguin cheating. Sogou Pinyin input method to unfair competition Tencent sued to require compensation and an apology over claims the amount of up to 20 million yuan. Reports, Sogou relevant responsible person said, "Sogou input method Tencent creative and intellectual property rights are serious plagiarism, Sogou indignation. And now the judiciary has been placed on file on the matter, that dog has mastered the part of the search of evidence, and determined to take from the legal weapons, Tencent acts of unfair competition fight back.

The face of cheating penguins, as the Internet, a pawn, not surprising. Tencent's fortune, the beginning is nothing but imitate the launch of ICQ OICQ, relying on China's huge user base for Internet users provide an excellent operator of the IM tool. Get down to business with a large user support, propped up Tencent's a blue sky. However, the original copy mode to become a lifetime Tencent mode of operation, along with a pat in, TenPay, qq Church, qq cyclone, etc., Tencent's products, we can find the original owners of the figure, surface on such a business model, as the door, I question Tencent, corporate image is where?

Corporate image is important, however, this highly competitive in the Internet virtual world, the brutal competition in all industries prompted exert their magic and innovation to this new industry is important. Recalling the development of the Internet, not difficult to find new elements in the poor, plagiarism has become the mainstream of the industry, this negative trend will inevitably affect the survival of the enterprise, but also relations between the healthy development of the network.

Perhaps before Tencent usual "used" the spirit of the current also can be base, but the long run, is unlikely to survive, let alone, the problem is that the status on the Internet with Tencent some up and down, and the strength of Sohu, 2000 million in making Tencent accept the lessons? the panacea hoped Tencent strategy in its proper role to play, so the Internet is more clear sky.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

C # in the delegate and event

Delegate and event. NetFramework application is very broad, however, a better understanding of the commission and a lot of contact with C # events on time is not long people is not easy. They are like a sill children, people over this threshold, that is really too easy, not the past, people and events every time to see the commission felt heart writings to be finished and cut uncomfortable. This article, I will describe two examples of what is the greatest depth and commissioned, why use the delegate, the event's origins,. Net in the delegate and event, delegate and event on the Observer design pattern of meaning, on their intermediate code are also discussed.

The method as a method parameter

Let us no matter how convoluted this title, and regardless of whether the commission is something, look at the following two simple methods, which is nothing but output a greeting on the screen the words:

The following is quoted fragment:

public void GreetPeople (string name) (

/ / Do some extra things, such as initialization of the class, here a little

EnglishGreeting (name);


public void EnglishGreeting (string name) (

Console.WriteLine ("Morning," + name);


Whether it's two methods have no practical significance. GreetPeople to say hello to someone, when we pass the name on behalf of a person's name parameters, such as "Jimmy", entered, in this method is called EnglishGreeting method, again passing name parameter, EnglishGreeting is used to screen output "Morning, Jimmy".

Now assume that the program needs to globalization, Oh, well, I'm Chinese, I do not understand the "Morning" What does it mean, how do? Well, we are introducing a Chinese version of the greetings method:

The following is quoted fragment:

public void ChineseGreeting (string name) (

Console.WriteLine ("Good morning," + name);


This time, GreetPeople also need to modify it to read, or else how to determine which version of Greeting in the end with regards to methods appropriate? Doing this, we'd better define an enumeration as the basis to judge:

The following is quoted fragment:

public enum Language (

English, Chinese


public void GreetPeople (string name, Language lang) (

/ / Do some extra things, such as initialization of the class, here a little

swith (lang) (

case Language.English:

EnglishGreeting (name);


case Language.Chinese:

ChineseGreeting (name);




OK, even though this solves the problem, but I do not say that you can easily think of, this solution scalable to very poor if in the future we need to add Korean and Japanese version, you have to repeatedly modify the enumeration and GreetPeople () method, to adapt to new demands.

In considering new solutions, we look GreetPeople method signature:

The following is quoted fragment:

public void GreetPeople (string name, Language lang)

We only look at string name, here, string is the parameter type, name is the parameter variable name when we assign the string "jimmy" when it representative of "jimmy" the value; when we assign it "on Ground", the It also stands for "on Ground," this value. Then we can approach the body of this name in other operations. Hey, this is nonsense Why, just learning program will know.

If you thought about it, if GreetPeople () method can accept a parameter variable, this variable may represent another way, when we give the variable assignment EnglishGreeting time, it represents EnglsihGreeting () this method; when we assign to it ChineseGreeting time, it represents ChineseGreeting () method. We named this parameter variable MakeGreeting, it can not be assigned as to the name as it was when the call GreetPeople () method when the parameters are assigned to this MakeGreeting on the value of Mody (ChineseGreeting or EnglsihGreeting, etc.)? Then, we in the method body , you can also use other parameters the same as used MakeGreeting. However, MakeGreeting represents a method, it is used and it should be assigned methods (such as ChineseGreeting) is the same, such as:

The following is quoted fragment:

MakeGreeting (name);

Well, have ideas, we now come to change to change GreetPeople () method, then it should look like the:

The following is quoted fragment:

public void GreetPeople (string name, 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 31 32 4 5 6 7 8 9 MakeGreeting) (

MakeGreeting (name);


Took note of 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1,819,220,212,223,242,526 2,728,293,303,132,456,789, usually placed in this position should be the parameter type, but so far We just think there should be able to represent method parameters, according to this thinking to rewrite GreetPeople method, now there is a big problem: this represents the method MakeGreeting What should be the type argument?

NOTE: no longer need to enumerate here, since the time of assignment to MakeGreeting dynamically decide which method to use is ChineseGreeting or EnglishGreeting, two methods in this internal, has been the use of "morning" or "good morning" to the distinction.

You should have thought of the wise, and now is the time to entrust the appearance, but about the commission, we look at MakeGreeting parameters can represent ChineseGreeting () and EnglishGreeting () method signature:

The following is quoted fragment:

public void EnglishGreeting (string name)

public void ChineseGreeting (string name)

String name as acceptable types of "true" and "1", but can not accept the true and bool type 1 as type int. MakeGreeting parameter type definition should be able to determine the method MakeGreeting can represent the types further stresses that MakeGreeting can represent the method parameter types and return type.

Thus, commissioned there: it defines the parameters can represent methods MakeGreeting types, that is MakeGreeting parameter type.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

PMP Preparation Experience

See that many students made a post earlier about the experience of pass the exam, could not help but also wanted to talk about some of their own children their feelings and experiences, I hope this can help to being prepared or intended to join the PMP exam students.

Just started school when the pressure is great, because they did not work now involves a lot of project management work, in this regard is no experience can learn from, so it is worried about their own failed the test, so it may be because lesson planning to do lectures are particularly serious problem. Personal success through the first experience: attitudes to attention.

Formal class once before I turned the book to understand the general content of the book. Then began to give classes and lectures wife really important! In particular I do not project management experience in itself, PMBOK simply no words to explain do not know where to grasp. I am only missing two days because of travel class, even if it is also about a two-day course to help me fill Xu back. After every time after class before the next class I will review very seriously, including watching lectures, reading books, doing title (Lao Jin's book), I've made my request is before the next class in front of the real knowledge of spoken All master. Other class is over, full of knowledge has been compacted to 80%. Training arrangements for the pro forma period a very tight and there are other things to be busy.

The most important thing at this stage, the stage of summing up:

1. Do not miss a class, listen carefully; is no way to missing the class, the teacher must find make up classes (note: his first title promising handouts to find a good book make up the teacher, the teacher can occupy as little time and efficient Austria!)

2. After listening to the prompt review sought to acquire knowledge, not behind the dash or do the old questions like, no time to review sprint when so much knowledge points, and subject also comes from knowledge is not cover all, rely on questions to do is cart before the horse

3. Do not know to ask, do not understand the content or subject of any immediate and teachers are discussed, do not delay, much knowledge is shared, and figure out a problem immediately after the vista may clear up a system of knowledge

4. Recitation notes. Test test and found many, many topics of knowledge from the lecture.

Do problems. While the class will provide Lao Jin's book title; class had finished, the teacher then has arranged for everyone to do five sets of simulated problems. Because the topics and more (test with 200 questions), the energy is a big test, I did 50 will generally look a little bit of time to prevent time-out, although the last time when the real test is very comfortable. Right or wrong I guess on the subject of research knowledge will be very serious point and listening to the teacher explaining that if a teacher started talking on the subject when I relax on the open desert of self;). Some fundamental questions strange (yes but this subject is still a lot of places), you still force yourself to remember them, because they really likely to appear in the examination intact Ah!!

Frankly speaking, compared to the last stage of the pain I fairly relaxed at this stage, each simulation results in relatively modest training while not coming to the fore;). Examination found that many subjects are familiar, the suggestion should be to master all the topics.

Two recommendations: attention for the wrong or guessed on the subject -> target: a repeat test with a knowledge point of never again wrong;

Simply not understand the metamorphosis theme, please recite the

Push. No time to read the notes on it back again; all have done something wrong or guess the title and read it again; no excuse for the 44 O 9 knowledge memorize down.

At this stage I was more painful. Examination before the Christmas holiday, then do not have any entertainment nervous painful death; despite the good results of the simulation is still worried to death, after all, paid too much If blew it worth it. A question was read back Ah, although I think that things will not be afraid to remember the new one does not see that knowledge with wings flew away from the head. Summarized here, do not you see I do have to learn the better.

In addition there are two things that would like to say a few words.

If some people in English is not good, there really is a worry. I did not read English books, do read the Chinese title of times, unless the problem is that the Chinese intended to obscure weird twist I will look at English.

If you do not have any project management experience, the more there is nothing to worry about, and my experience is not typical exam.

Finally, I really want to look special thanks to Xu. For some time because it has to make up classes, there is a period of time after class has finished no simulation questions to explain, and I are about the teacher on the night in msn voice lessons, the teacher can clearly feel tired, feel very much admire. Although the teacher to say it was his clients that do what we can not own a big lesson for teachers to have time alone when the teacher does not make up its obligations; if I have customers come to me after work, whether it is a pass Replacement mobile phone or an e-mail me something, even if not much time will be spent reluctantly, always feel that my private time after work to enjoy life. Care, I feel really very dedicated Xu.

Note that a hard look at though still very substantial Moreover, after a hard test worth it. I wish all of this post to see who can successfully pass the exam.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

BI's salvation

Originally enterprise expansion and accumulation of information in the process of getting things like business itself, this time, perhaps only business intelligence (BI) can be redemption to come back.

In January 2010 IDC report released in 2010, total worldwide digital information created will reach 988 EB (1EB = 10 浜?GB). In 2006, the figure was 161EB, the size of which has the equivalent of all books ever figure of 300 times the amount of information.

Unfortunately, the information is not equal to knowledge, more "EB" and not automatically bring more value. For businesses, if only a heap of information, brought only a more intense "pain."

In this case, only the realization of "information" to "knowledge" of the conversion, take up a lot of storage space, data companies are eligible to be called the "treasure." Practice started early in the IT countries, BI has been a number of transmigration. Today, many foreign enterprises have been quietly shift to BI mobile communications, computing data, more accurate intelligence analysis, but in China, there are still many enterprises are just beginning the road to BI, business intelligence among the three levels, most of them The report is still in the low-end system or in the end application level data analysis, there is little to high-end "data mining" level. An acceptance of "CIO INSIGHT / Information Strategy," an interview with the CIO that is not excluded BI launched the project, said the organization is not currently implemented in China and use the BI system, enterprises, 80% still in the first two of the BI application level.

Companies from the Gartner Business Intelligence 1996 proposed the concept of the second decade of the 21st century opened today, 15 years in the past, Chinese companies are beginning to BI application on awakening, and even broke out, they stepped up on the information of "salvation" process, it is also retrieve information lost in time.


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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Flash visual effects of the space shuttle

Achieved in this case is in the vast universe, passing by numerous stars effect. The case of realization of simple and effective blinding, also very practical. For example, in the instance put a warship, the aircraft will have the effect of fast motion. I believe this case will certainly add much color to your work, or what inspired you.

Here we begin concrete production.

1. Open FlashMX, set the scene of the size 450px X 450px, black background. Frame rate to 15fps.

2. Pressing the shortcut keys "Ctrl + F8" open "to create a new symbol," panel, create a "shooting star" in graphic symbols. Then in the "shooting star" symbol of scenes shown in Figure 1 Drawing of a meteor-like object, its width, height as 3 px, 100 px. Rendering of the meteoroids can be divided into paragraphs, each a different color, then better reflect the flow of visual effects.

3. Pressing the shortcut keys "Ctrl + F8" to create a "meteor shower" in the movie clip symbol. Then in the "meteor shower" symbol of the scene in the "Layer 1" layer renamed "animation" layer. Then pressing the shortcut keys "Ctrl + L" open library, the library graphic symbols "meteor" drag and drop to the "animation" layer scene.

Figure 1

Figure 2

4. Click the "animation" layer of the first one in the "meteor" shortcut keys "Ctrl + T" to open "deformation" panel and make the settings shown in Figure 2.

5. Right-click the "animation" layer of the first frame and select "Create motion tween" command to create motion tween. Then click to select the layer were the first 12,22,30,36,42,45 frame and press "F6" key to insert a key frame. Shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

6. Figure 3 shows, then click the first 46, according to "F7" key to insert a blank keyframe. Then right-click on the empty frame, select the pop-up menu in the "action" command, in the open "action" panel, enter the code: "stop;". Figure 3.

7. Click the first 12 in the "meteor", open the "deformation" panel to the width and height scaling set to 55% and 6%, and it moved up 20 pixels. And then 20 in the "meteor" in width and height of zoom point and also move up a certain pixel. S 30,36 ... frame and so on. Thus, when the "meteor" closer and closer to us, it will look bigger, the speed of movement will be faster.

8. Back to the main scene, open the library, the library in the movie clip symbol "Meteor Rain" onto the main scene. Then click in the scene in "Meteor Rain", in its property panel to it from entities called "meteor", shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4

9. Right-click on the main scene of the first one, select the pop-up menu in the "action" command, in the open "action" panel, enter the following code:

/ / Define function "spacetime ()", which role is to copy the movie, and video point of view, transparency properties were set
function spacetime () (
/ / I was the only copy the movie clip depth (level), depth is the copy of the video clip of the stacking order
/ / If the variable "i" is greater than 300, its value is 0 on reset
if (i> 300) i = 0;
i + +;
/ / Statement duplicateMovieClip () function is to copy the video clip
duplicateMovieClip ("meteor", "meteor" add i, i);
/ / _rotation Is the point of property, _alpha transparency property is
/ / Function random () can return in parameter value between 0 and a random integer
this ["meteor" add i]. _rotation = random (360);
this ["meteor" add i]. _alpha = Math.random () * 30 +30;
/ / Statement setInterval () can be called from time to time interval to a function, method or the like, in milliseconds
setInterval (spacetime, 10);
Well, here produced results that can be tested.

Finally, there are several points I want to draw attention. The first is the code statement "if (i> 500) i = 0;" This usage is possible, if the switch back to normal mode, you will find that the system will automatically add the statement "()" and indent. In addition, random () function is already in Flash5 in use is not recommended. Recommended Math object random () method replaced. This method returns a 0 to 1 a few. For example, you can use the statement Math.random () * 360 to replace.

This effect in terms of if you put 360 in the "0" to remove, or be "shaking shaking", the effect ... ... hey, interested readers can see for yourself.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Digital CD AMR RA to CDA Ripper

Digital CD AMR RA to CDA Ripper helps you convert digital-audio tracks directly from compact discs to CD-quality WAV, MP3, Windows Media, or OGG Vorbis files without generating temporary files. Digital CD AMR RA to CDA Ripper key features include a built-in CD player, album information from CDDB, Winamp playlist support, multiple CD-ROM support, and ID3 tag support. This Audio Converter provides an easy and completed way to convert MP4 to MP3, M4A to MP3, AAC to MP3, etc, convert audio between popular audio files, such as MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM etc. All conversion processes such as MP4 to MP3, M4A to MP3 and AAC to MP3 converting are very easy to handle with super fast speed.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Professional RA M3U to WAV Ripping

Professional RA M3U to WAV Ripping is a powerful audio converter which can convert almost all popular video to AMR, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV audio clips and play them in your PC or other software audio player. Professional RA M3U to WAV Ripping can convert almost all video and audio formats, for e.g., DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, ASF, MPG, MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2), MP4, FLV, SWF, M4V, MOV, QT, SVCD, VCD, VOB, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, TTA, WAV. Supports most popular audio file formats, such as MP3, WAV, WMA, MP2, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, APE (Monkey's Audio), VQF and so on.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

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Merry CDA MP3 ID3 Tag CD-R to M4A Player is exactly what you are looking for. Merry CDA MP3 ID3 Tag CD-R to M4A Player digitally copies audio CD tracks to MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG files with excellent quality and fast speed. Just one click to finish converting, everyone can use it even a child. Audio format conversion is performed directly without any temporary files, and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk resource. You can convert many files in a batch regardless of their source formats and target formats. Right click on files in the Explorer or File Manager, select "Convert to Mp3(or CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM)" and you are brought right into the Audio Converter. This is an very useful feature. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player. Start downloading the smartest converter now!

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Digital MP3 RM CD-R to VQF Recorder

Digital MP3 RM CD-R to VQF Recorder is a versatile ripper tool used to rip CD tracks to all popular audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG Vorbis, VQF, APE with excellent output quality and high ripping speed. Spported conversions include: CD to WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG; P3/WMA/OGG/WAV/AIF/VOX/MP2/MPC/G.72x/AU/RAW to MP3/WMA/OGG/WAV; WAV/MP3/WMA/OGG to CD burning, WAV/MP3 Compression, and two-way conversions among MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, and ASF for video. MPEG options are available for VCD, SVCD, and DVD compliant output. DVD shrink functionality is also present. When converting from audio CD, track information can be dynamically downloaded from the CDDB and used to automatically name saved files.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ever ID3 to Music Ripping

Ever ID3 to Music Ripping - Register 3 programs for the price of one (this one, mp3 Frame Remover, and mp3 List Maker De Luhe)! Edit your mp3's without having to decode them and then encode to mp3 again (loss of quality). Edit (copy, paste, delete, etc), volume/balance change, fade in/out, and insert silence functions. Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio or video files to WMA, AIFF, Vorbis OGG, Wave, and MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RMformat. Using a clear and intuitive interface, you can convert files individually or in batches plus you have the options to normalize the volume, encode specific portions, or remove silences. The integrated CD ripper features automatic retrieval of disc information using CDDB, and Jitter error correction support. ID3 tags are preserved automatically, and it's possible to name output files by ID3 tags, such as artist name, song title, album title, and so on. Now start converting your audio files!

Recommand Link:

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Friday, April 16, 2010

AlltoDVD DVD Creator

AlltoDVD DVD Creator is an easy-to-use and high speed All-in-One DVD creator and DVD burner. It can converts ALL formats of video files directly to DVD disk, including DivX, Xvid, AVI, MPEG, WMV, QuickTime, Real Video format, etc. With only a few clicks, you can convert your internet video collection to a DVD R/RW disk and then replay your collection on your home DVD player/car DVD player. Share your collection with your family, your friends on TV. It supports both NTSC and PAL TV standards. It supports both 4:3 TV and 16:9 widescreen TV. It already includes DVD encoder and DVD burner. You don't need any other software to make it work. The copied disc works well with most DVD player, being completely same as the DVD movie you bought. Now you can enjoy Hollywood film at home now!

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Xilisoft DVD to Apple TV Converter Mac

Xilisoft DVD to Apple TV Converter for Mac is smartly designed Mac DVD to Apple TV software for Mac users. It is professional in converting DVD to Apple TV video MP4 and to Video iPod, iPod touch and new iPod 30GB and 80GB with the resolution for 640 by 480. It can also convert DVD to iPod and Apple TV audio formats like M4A (AAC) and MP3 etc on your Mac directly. The DVD to Apple TV Converter for Mac has many advanced and attractive features as follows:

Key Features:

1. Support output formats of latest new video iPod 30G and video iPod 80G MPEG-4 video; up to 2.5 Mbps, at 640 by 480 pixels video resolution, 30 frames per sec
2. Support power G5 processor and higher
3. Support batch conversion. Provide >200% conversion speed, beyond your imagination. And speed is without limits, conversion speed increases with the power of your system
4. Support customized output conversion
5. Support Trim function that you can rip any preferred segment with setting the start and end time
6. Snap your favorite segment as an image file
7. Normalize sound levels of DVD
8. Compress movies to any needed size and get always adjustable-sized output files
9. Auto-split the output file to several files to fit your iPod
10. Support video/audio bit rate, audio track and target subtitle selection
11. Support preview and zoom
12. Provide with general parameters setting
13. All encoders and decoders are built-in

In conclusion, the DVD to Apple TV Converter for Mac provides you with so many attractive features, and rips DVD to Apple TV, DVD to iPod with the easiest operation and fastest speed with highest quality. We highly recommend you this product because we think it will make your multimedia life much easier, enjoyable, and relaxed.

Free download Xilisoft DVD to Apple TV for Mac to enjoy it right now!

Xilisoft Corporation focuses on the users' experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Digital MP3 OGG AMR to RM Converter

Digital MP3 OGG AMR to RM Converter is an extremely easy to use cd ripper and MP3 to WAV decoder and WAV to MP3 encoder for Windows 9X/NT/Me/2000/XP. It copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. Digital MP3 OGG AMR to RM Converter can also help you to burn your own customized CD from MP3 files. This Audio Converter converts audio files between MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM. Its user-friendly interface supports both drag & drop and shell operation of Windows Explorer. Most work can be done automatically with a few mouse clicks. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats and target formats. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player.

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Convert mpeg4 file to ipod

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ACALA - DVD iPod Ripper

Acala DVD iPod Ripper is a intuitive to use program which convert your DVD movies to iPod movies regardless DVD CSS and DVD Region. The build-up enhanced encoder deep compress output min files with high speed and lossless movie quality.

It is a one-click solution program. It also supports Automatically Shut down your computer after the conversion had been done. The preview and edit function make editing the video easily!

-- Key Features:
1) Intuitive interface make you free and professional.
2) Build-up enhanced encoder ensure the output movie quality and high speed to finish task.
3) One click profile settings solution and easy customize settings for video size, frame rate, video bitrate (quality), audio bitrate (quality), aspect ratio.
4) Subtitle and Audio Track selectable for each episode.
5) Set the start position and end position for any episodes to convert. (cut movie clip to convert ).
6) Batch convert main movie and any episodes.
7) Batch files conversion.
8) Preview playback movies and any episodes, the preview playback maybe come up slight audio crawl, it does not matter with the output movie quality, just preview to check out the source episode.
9) Automatically Shutdown Computer When ripping done.

OS Supported:
Windows All

Hardware Requirements:
Intel Pentium II 350MHz or above
64 MB RAM or above

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Merry CD MP2 MP3 to M3U Creator

Merry CD MP2 MP3 to M3U Creator is an audio conversion tool. It converts audio files among MP3, WAV, WMA(Windows Media Audio), OGG, and AAC formats. You can convert multiple files in a single batch, regardless of their sources and target formats. The audio-format conversions are performed without any temporary files, allowing high conversion speeds. Merry CD MP2 MP3 to M3U Creator is an easy-to-use tool. You do not not need any audio expertise. It rips audio CD tracks and saves them into audio formats such as mp3, wav, wma (Windows Media Audio), VQF (Yamaha SoundVQ), orOGG Vorbis, converts MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM from one to another on-the-fly, resamples MP3 to MP3, WAV to WAV, WMA to WMA, OGG to OGG for changing bitrates, frequency, and other options. MP3 Encoder supports CBR (Constant Bit Rate) and VBR (Variable Bit Rate).

Recommand Link:

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

AlltoDVD DVD to M4V

AlltoDVD DVD to M4V is a best video and movie converter to MP4 Movie software! This product offers convert all popular formats to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video/ movie, Easy Convert DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. AlltoDVD DVD to M4V helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format! AlltoDVD DVD to M4V is the fastest Rip DVD movie to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video, you can convert almost all kinds of DVD to M4V4 format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. AlltoDVD MP4 Suite supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

changing psp into COWON a3

Friday, March 12, 2010

Swift Flash Converter

Swift Flash Converter is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, Swift Flash Converter lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and other portable devices. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

Converting Mp4 To Mjpeg Video

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ever CD M4A CD-R to WAVE Recorder

Ever CD M4A CD-R to WAVE Recorder is an audio conversion tool. It converts audio files among MP3, WAV, WMA(Windows Media Audio), OGG, and AAC formats. You can convert multiple files in a single batch, regardless of their sources and target formats. The audio-format conversions are performed without any temporary files, allowing high conversion speeds. Ever CD M4A CD-R to WAVE Recorder is an easy-to-use tool. You do not not need any audio expertise. Convert CD digitally and directly into music files , no temporary wav file used, saving your hard disk and make it faster! Full support FreeDB and ID3, you can get the music information from internet easily and edit the music information yourself professionally. Support Multiple CD-ROMs. Convert audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM files.

Recommand Link:

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